2018-10-21 09:40:59.386737+0800 WeexDemo[14552:2019013] [debug]WXResourceLoader.m:140, request: { URL: } didReceiveResponse: { URL: } { Status Code: 200, Headers { Connection = ( "keep-alive" ); "Content-Encoding" = ( gzip ); "Content-Type" = ( "application/javascript" ); Date = ( "Sun, 21 Oct 2018 01:40:59 GMT" ); Etag = ( "W/\"5bca05e7-570\"" ); "Last-Modified" = ( "Fri, 19 Oct 2018 16:27:19 GMT" ); Server = ( "nginx/1.13.2" ); "Transfer-Encoding" = ( Identity ); } } 2018-10-21 09:40:59.388888+0800 WeexDemo[14552:2019013] [debug]WXResourceLoader.m:159, request: { URL: } didReceiveDataLength:1392 2018-10-21 09:40:59.390608+0800 WeexDemo[14552:2019013] [debug]WXResourceLoader.m:198, request: { URL: } didFinishCollectingMetrics 2018-10-21 09:40:59.391583+0800 WeexDemo[14552:2019013] [debug]WXResourceLoader.m:173, request: { URL: } requestDidFinishLoading 2018-10-21 09:40:59.392249+0800 WeexDemo[14552:2019013] [log]WXSDKInstance.m:182, Start rendering page: 2018-10-21 09:40:59.397409+0800 WeexDemo[14552:2019161] [debug]WXJSCoreBridge.m:197, Calling JS... method:createInstance, args:( 2, "// { \"framework\": \"Vanilla\" }\n\n/*\n * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one\n * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file\n * distributed with this work for additional information\n * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file\n * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the\n * \"License\"); you may not use this file except in compliance\n * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,\n * software distributed under the License is distributed on an\n * \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY\n * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the\n * specific language governing permissions and limitations\n * under the License.\n */\n\nvar body = document.createElement('div', {\n classStyle: { alignItems: 'center', marginTop: 120 }\n})\n\nvar image = document.createElement('image', {\n attr: { src: 'https://alibaba.github.io/weex/img/weex_logo_blue@3x.png' },\n classStyle: { width: 360, height: 82 }\n})\n\nvar text = document.createElement('text', {\n attr: { value: 'Hello World' },\n classStyle: { fontSize: 48 }\n})\n\nbody.appendChild(image)\nbody.appendChild(text)\ndocument.documentElement.appendChild(body)\n\nbody.addEvent('click', function () {\n text.setAttr('value', 'Hello Weex')\n})\n", { bundleUrl = ""; debug = 1; } ) 2018-10-21 09:40:59.403605+0800 WeexDemo[14552:2019161] [debug]WXJSCoreBridge.m:244, callCreateBody...2, { children = ( { attr = { src = "https://alibaba.github.io/weex/img/weex_logo_blue@3x.png"; }; ref = 62; style = { height = 82; width = 360; }; type = image; }, { attr = { value = "Hello World"; }; ref = 64; style = { fontSize = 48; }; type = text; } ); ref = "_root"; style = { alignItems = center; marginTop = 120; }; type = div; }, 2018-10-21 09:40:59.404746+0800 WeexDemo[14552:2019161] [debug]WXJSCoreBridge.m:324, callAddEvent...2, _root, click 2018-10-21 09:40:59.405291+0800 WeexDemo[14552:2019161] [debug]WXJSCoreBridge.m:207, Calling native... instance:2, tasks:( { args = ( ); method = createFinish; module = dom; } ), callback:-1 {layout: {width: 414, height: 672, top: 0, left: 0}, flexDirection: 'column', alignItems: 'stretch', flex: 0, width: 414, height: 672, left: 0, top: 0, children: [ {_root:div layout: {width: 414, height: 672, top: 66.24, left: 0}, flexDirection: 'column', alignItems: 'center', flex: 0, marginTop: 66.24, marginStart: nan, marginEnd: nan, width: 414, height: 672, children: [ {62:image layout: {width: 198.72, height: 45.264, top: 0, left: 107.64}, flexDirection: 'column', alignItems: 'stretch', flex: 0, width: 198.72, height: 45.264, }, {64:text layout: {width: 128, height: 31.6667, top: 45.264, left: 143}, flexDirection: 'column', alignItems: 'stretch', flex: 0, }, ]}, ]}, 2018-10-21 09:40:59.421328+0800 WeexDemo[14552:2019292] [debug]WXImageComponent.m:427, Updating image:https://alibaba.github.io/weex/img/weex_logo_blue@3x.png, component:62 2018-10-21 09:40:59.421622+0800 WeexDemo[14552:2019013] [debug]WXDemoViewController.m:169, Render Finish... 2018-10-21 09:40:59.421982+0800 WeexDemo[14552:2019013] [debug]WXComponent+Display.m:65, No need to draw border for _root 2018-10-21 09:40:59.423515+0800 WeexDemo[14552:2019161] [debug]WXJSCoreBridge.m:197, Calling JS... method:callJS, args:( 2, ( { args = ( "_root", viewappear, { }, { } ); method = fireEvent; module = ""; } ) ) 2018-10-21 09:41:00.003735+0800 WeexDemo[14552:2019013] Status bar could not find cached time string image. Rendering in-process. 2018-10-21 09:41:00.231647+0800 WeexDemo[14552:2019134] [] nw_connection_get_connected_socket 11 Connection has no connected handler 2018-10-21 09:41:00.231768+0800 WeexDemo[14552:2019134] TCP Conn 0x1c4177400 Failed : error 0:61 [61] 2018-10-21 09:41:58.731572+0800 WeexDemo[14552:2019161] [debug]WXJSCoreBridge.m:197, Calling JS... method:callJS, args:( 2, ( { args = ( "_root", click, { position = { height = "1217.391304347826"; width = "749.9999999999999"; x = 0; y = "236.1111111111111"; }; timestamp = "1540086118729.778"; }, { } ); method = fireEvent; module = ""; } ) ) 2018-10-21 09:41:58.734033+0800 WeexDemo[14552:2019161] [debug]WXJSCoreBridge.m:292, callUpdateAttrs...2, 64, { value = "Hello Weex"; } {layout: {width: 414, height: 672, top: 0, left: 0}, flexDirection: 'column', alignItems: 'stretch', flex: 0, width: 414, height: 672, left: 0, top: 0, children: [ {_root:div layout: {width: 414, height: 672, top: 66.24, left: 0}, flexDirection: 'column', alignItems: 'center', flex: 0, marginTop: 66.24, marginStart: nan, marginEnd: nan, width: 414, height: 672, children: [ {62:image layout: {width: 198.72, height: 45.264, top: 0, left: 107.64}, flexDirection: 'column', alignItems: 'stretch', flex: 0, width: 198.72, height: 45.264, }, {64:text layout: {width: 125, height: 31.6667, top: 45.264, left: 144.5}, flexDirection: 'column', alignItems: 'stretch', flex: 0, }, ]}, ]}, 2018-10-21 09:42:00.003746+0800 WeexDemo[14552:2019013] Status bar could not find cached time string image. Rendering in-process.